
Schema is an original performance score that I conceived in Guadeloupe. It is published in a collection called “Propositional Attitudes: What do we do now?” (Golden Spike Press, 2018). Context for the anthology, which was edited by John Burtle and Elana Mann, follows:

“The pieces in the book follow a long historical tradition of artists who blurred art and life through performance scores, directions, and instructions such as Pauline Oliveros, Lygia Clark, Allan Kaprow, ACT UP, Fluxus, the Diggers, Saul Alinsky, and many more.

The scores in the book are meant to be performed by anyone anywhere. Some of them are written for audience members; what is traditionally a passive role becomes one that is more self-aware or conscious. Various scores address the politics of listening—Who listens and who speaks? What is (not) being heard? Others are more goal-oriented, and operate directly as tools for social organizing. Some are theatrical critiques of historical or contemporary conflicts, while others focus on creating meaningful interpersonal exchange. You should try them

Contributing Artists: Aaron Finbloom, Adam Overton, Ali Kheradyar, Allan Revich, Ana Monteiro, CamLab, Carolina Caycedo, Dana Reason, Daniel Goode, Dorit Cypis, Elana Mann, Elonda Billera Norris, Emily Mast, Fallen Fruit (David Allen Burns and Austin Young), Frau Fiber, G Douglas Barrett, Hande Sever, John Barlog, John Burtle, Kaoru Kodama, Kimberly Anne Nisgore, Larkin Higgins, Lindsey Barlag Thornton, Lucky Dragons, luis mejico, Luke Martin, Maile Colbert, Mariángeles Soto-Díaz, mark so, Mary Campbell, Michael Hooper, Michael Workman, Neha Choksi, Robby Herbst, RoByn Thompson, Ron Milam, S Mendelsohn, Sharna Fabiano, Udita Upadhyaya, Ultra Red, Wesley Hicks, and Yasmine Espert”

122 page perfect bound, risograph book 
Edition of 250
Published by Golden Spike Press

Image: cover, “Propositional Attitudes: What do we do now?” Golden Spike Press, 2018.


made vulnerable